Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fobr Post Update

so its been awhile.
a long crazy week. i wanted to thank you guys for the sweet messages. it makes me have some dumb little warm feeling inside my body to know that my happiness and the happiness of the the other guys in the band is important to our fans.
just a quick update. contrary to whatever rumors you have heard we are not in the process of making a new FOB record. thats not to say it wont happen or wont happen soon, we just have alot on our plates already with the band right now. we are going in to shoot a video for our cover of "beat it" which we had never planned on doing. the support for this song has been intense and we decided a visual to go with the song is something we should contribute back after we saw you reaction to it...
anyway. thats it for now.
thanks for having our backs.
ps. there is tons of new stuff over at the clandestine store in chicago...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fall Out Boy For New Album in the Summer.

You would think, given recent events, that Fall Out Boy would be shying away from making grand proclamations. (Well, other than the "I do" kind.)
Generally, that's just not the FOB way (unless one of them is getting married to Ashlee Simpson). Despite the whole Antarctic fiasco, they're at it again, this time telling MTV News that they're planning to spend their summer vacation working on a new album, the follow-up to last year's Infinity on High and their third studio effort in less than three years."It was sort of a plan of ours to downplay the fact we are recording a new record soon. Not that we don't care or don't want people to know, but I think we were a little swamped with the press surrounding Infinity on High," guitarist Joe Trohman wrote in an e-mail. "So we wanted to slightly scale that aspect back, make it somewhat more of a surprise so that people would all of a sudden get hit with our new record one of these days."As far as when/where we are going to record, the 'when' will be sometime in the next couple of months, the 'where' will be in the Los Angeles/ Burbank [California] area, but we have not chosen an exact date to start preproduction and we have not chosen a studio," he continued. "We have talked about revisiting Ocean Studios in Burbank, where we did From Under the Cork Tree, but honestly, we haven't locked anything down. ... As far as a release date? No f---ing clue."Trohman added that while the band hasn't decided on a producer for the project, Neil Avron, who worked on both Infinity and Cork Tree, "would be present during the sessions."Though the band has yet to record a single note, the follow-up to Infinity already has a fairly long — and factually spotty — history. The album was first reported to be heavily influenced by folk music, reports the band spent much of last year trying to live down. It was then described by bassist Pete Wentz as being inspired by the "distorted, awesome riffs" of Oasis. So what's the latest take on how it will sound?"We've said time and time again that we derive our songs from many different sources. Have you ever heard Patrick [Stump] sing? There's the bulk of the R&B right there. Folk? I think that was more of a lyricism aspect, though there is something musically reminiscent in some of the demos," Trohman wrote. "The riffs I've sent to Patrick have had somewhat of an Iggy Pop feel, as he's an obsession of mine. Others [have a] somewhat Smiths-y/ late-'70s-to-early-'80s Manchester sound."Of course, FOB's summer plans could very well have changed by the time you read this. In a separate e-mail to MTV News, Wentz admitted that Fall Out Boy fully intend to hit the studio in June or July, but things could be different now, given the success of their cover of Michael Jackson's "Beat It," which has quickly become a mainstay in the iTunes top 10.

(Stop, Pete said on That there will be no new album YET, Sorry to burst your bubble.)

New "Beat It" Video

Fall Out Boy Film Themselves Beating It With Shane Drake Fall Out Boy will be shooting a music video for their cover of "Beat It" with director Shane Drake.
I really cant wait.

There Engaged

Ashley and Pete Posted This On Her Website.....

"We know there has been a lot of speculation recently about Pete and I and we wanted our fans to be the first to know, because you guys are the best. Yes, we are thrilled to share that we are happily engaged. Thank you for all of your support and well wishes - it means the world to us. We consider this to be a very private matter, but we wanted you to hear it straight from us."
- Ashlee and Pete

Im happy for them, And wish the best for them.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

sprin break over

But its still spring, now its time to get back to work.

'****' out now.
Pete clothing at nordstrom out now.
New clothing at clandestine.