Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Club in New York opened.

Pete Has opened A New Club Called Angels & Kings

Watch The Premier

Question To (Supposedly) Marriage

I'm Sure Everyone Is Wondering If The Whole Pete And Ashley Marriage And Kids Thing Is true.
Well Here's What Pete Answered!

Q.Dear Pete,Okay, I'm not listening to the stupid gossip columns and the web blogs anymore. I want it straight from the person that may or may not be experiencing it. Did you propose to Ashlee Simpson sometime before or after you went on stage to perform at Live Earth, in New York? Also, is it true that Ashlee may be carrying your child? I want the truth, and I’m sure a lot of other fans do to. Thank-you if you clear up these rumors, by answering my questions.

A.(Pete Answers)no i do not like green eggs and ham.

So what Exactly Does This Mean, I Guess We'll Never Now (for now)
Thanks to Nicole for asking Pete

Friday, July 20, 2007

Rumor has it that fall out boy's next single will be "I'm Like a Lawer With the Way I'm Trying To get You off (me+u)", If its true then I cant wait to see the video!
Click On Link To Watch The Live *VH1 V-SPOT Unplugged Performance *

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Download Fall Out Boy/RAW videos to psp.

New never Before Released Song "Hand Of God" Available To Download

Just Right click and save target as .mp3

New Wallpapers

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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New Aol Session Live Performances For Ipod Or To Keep

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


The Take Over, The Breaks Over

Pete Journal entry!

so many updates. the end of HCT was hard. on tour it becomes like summer camp, you get used to seeing the same faces over and over again. since then we have still been going non-stop. thanks to everyone who came out to the Today show! nbc said that we broke records with the amount of fans who showed up... pretty insane. then playing live earth was another mindblowing experience- to see all of these people coming together for music and belief all at once gave me chills. we got to hang with some good people like kanye west and john mayer- id recommend both of them as people and artists. i dont know how to explain but it is thrilling to be in the presence of people you know will end up changing culture.the photos and video dont do the mood of this concert justice. it may not be monterey pop but this was something larger than the sum of its parts. it makes me want to make change in my daily life. thanks for taking to the lab to work on some new ideas. patrick is making music, producing some new bands. joe is getting his house ready for cribs and andy is busy doing whatever sexy vegetarians do.this fall we will be playing shows with gym class heroes and the plain white t's- before then we will be warming up in europe with a few days Decaydance fest--- including us panic at the disco, gym class heroes, the academy is and cobra starship. should be a fun family reunion."have fun storming the castle" im gonna miss mark saying this to us every night...
Pics From The Today Show!
Check out a few pics from Fall Out Boy's appearance on The Today Show on July 6, 2007 then
click here to see even more pics from their performance!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Fan Questions!

Q: does patrick take his hat off during sex?

A: (Patrick says) depends on where were having sex.

For More Questions Check Out


Moscow tickets on sale today
Tickets for the Fall Out Boy show in Moscow, Russia are on sale now. For tickets to the shw at B1 Maximum on August 14th copy url.


Moscow tickets on sale today
Tickets for the Fall Out Boy show in Moscow, Russia are on sale now. For tickets to the shw at B1 Maximum on August 14th go t