Friday, July 18, 2008

New Foe Post

ladies and gentlemen the lady bug hood.
Posted by Clandestine at 07/18/2008 2:07 AM [Permalink]

ladies and gentlemen, the lady bug hood.

showed you the earlier design for it. here is the sample. i love it. its not as busy as some of the past clan stuff but is still unique. dont worry there is a "dude version" coming too both available in the faill. i love this one cause it falls somewhere between the intense garment design we were doing and the simple graphic t's. besides my house was infested by lady bugs and thats what i call my old lady from time to time.

Super Duper Close

Hands in the air, Wave em like you just dont care

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pete On MTV's Made

Pete On MTV's Made

Head over to MTV to catch Pete on an all new episode of Made this Sunday 7/20 at 3pm!

i bought this painting today. its called “Our favorite...

i bought this painting today. its called “Our favorite...

i bought this painting today. its called “Our favorite songs. (like worms tied) squirms and hurts, but we keep them close.” the Artist is Kurt Halsey Frederiksen.

i see his art as your icons alot. so i was wondering if we shared alot of fans or not.

worm rock. get down.

this week on fnmtv slipknot and jonas brothers. how weird. like a peanutbutter and ham sandwich. its gonna be awesome.