To hurt when you stick things up there. I'm starting a fresh day some new typings. I've been told my eight finger technique was so good that I had to bring my real life/cyber real flavor back to these very streets, . For those who believed in my skills, who had been there when I slayed 75 Great Whites in typershark, leading the scuba diver to the treasure every time, I commend you. For the rest of you, you know where to fuck off to. You know what to shove and where to shove it. And for knowing, I think I can finally accept your sincerest apologies. Thank You.
Movies, movies, movies. Where are all the good movies? They're bound for the Academy Awards, or as some might call them, cancelled. But I find myself geared towards movies of a different calibre. Here are my "favorite" movies, and how they completley changed my life, FOREVER.
Cloverfield - Even though writer Drew Goddard didn't seem very comfortable admitting what he had once said, that he can sych up 'infinity on high' with 'cloverfield', I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit I threw up during that film. And not just because the monster had inflating/deflating testicles on the side of his head, or that the acting was soooooo fucking amazing.Rambo - Maybe America is falling into the shitter faster than the aftermath of an Arby's 5 for 5 deal, but Rambo still knows how to take American values, shove them right up the Burmese military's collective ass and rip out a bloody, yet beautiful, American flag every time. There were at least 3 crying babies in the theater with me. More babies NEED to see this movie. And more people forget what it feels like to have the surge of America throb in the palm of their hands, and only Stallone has the necessary equipment to make it possible.
Puppies Are Cute: A Special Message to Danielle - I love indie flicks. This is a movie that really documents the ability one has to profess an undying love for a complete stranger (via MySpace), and not skip a beat. Hey there Sundance and Cannes, where in the wide world of fuck were you on this one? Click the link:
Yours Truly,This Guy
Moustache Fever
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