Monday, July 7, 2008

A Homeboys Life Update

worlds second most interesting post of the day. i went to a flea market today and found this tiny camera. not sure what im gonna do with it yet. also these guys gave me this bracelet from india today. i felt pretty cool but then they told me it was only worth like ten cents. i think they felt bad for me cause i am in fall out boy. pretty awesome. worlds second most interesting post of the day. i went to a flea market today and found this tiny camera. not sure what im gonna do with it yet. also these guys gave me this bracelet from india today. i felt pretty cool but then they told me it was only worth like ten cents. i think they felt bad for me cause i am in fall out boy.

i love honey on anything. its kind of retarded. i want to make an acrylic honeybear necklace or shirt or just get a giant piece of art made.
i love honey on anything. its kind of retarded. i want to make an acrylic honeybear necklace or shirt or just get a giant piece of art made.

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